Monday, May 3, 2010

Computer Foul-up (Again)

I've had to order a new keyboard for my laptop. Some of the keys have quit working; this isn't a suprise, as there was an incident a while ago involving my dork of a cat, my laptop, and a glass of Spezi. Most of it works fine, but the numbers 5 and 6 and the - symbol don't, as well as a few others. This makes it relatively impossible to type SA-5! Plus, some of the keys, the d and f most obviously, tend to stick and insert random letters. Fortunately, I already compiled the SAM Site Overview update for this week (to be posted tomorrow after I save and upload the new files), and the new hardware should be here before the week is over. But, as I will keep posting until the new keyboard arrives (the Microsoft On-Screen Keyboard thing is an irritating yet sufficient temporary fix), I'd ask all of you to let me know if you find any obvious typos or other weirdness that slips through the cracks. Keyboard stupidity will not deter me from my new schedule!


  1. I know the feeling. I've a 5 year old monitor that's intermittent the first hour of use, then after a few more hours goes dark some more. It's annoying. But it always powers back on after waiting a few minutes and re-plugging. So far, I'm too big of a cheap skate to replace.

    And the control key is missing on the keyboard, and the apple old-style round mouse is taped together...

  2. Pick up a USB num pad. Cheap and convenient.

  3. A number pad won't solve the rest of the problems, but it is something I might grab eventually for convenience.

  4. Spezi: never heard of that so I had to look it up. Col;a and orange soda? Umm, yuk!

    A USB keyboard should work as a temporary fix.

  5. NGA Student InternMay 7, 2010 at 1:08 PM

    Interesting work. Is this just a hobby? Do you have any professional experience within or connected to the IC?

  6. Posted the SAM Site Overview file. I was waiting to see if the new keyboard came today to make life easier, but no such luck. Got it taken care of, though, and the new keyboard will be here tomorrow or Monday.

  7. Charley: Spezi is pretty good stuff, about half Coke and half orange Fanta with a shot of lemon juice. Yeah it sounds a bit odd, but it's pretty addictive once you try it!

    NGA Intern: this is mostly a hobby, although my Master's Degree dealt with a lot of these concepts and topics. I did spend a decade as an intel analyst in the USAF, but I was never an imagery interpreter. Had to learn all of that fun stuff myself!

  8. OK, I'll give it a try. Spezi.
