Monday, May 31, 2010

June Schedule

Here's what's on the plate for June:

Week 1: SAM Site Overview
Week 2: North Korea's SAM Network (changed from Kazakhstan)
Week 3: the Ulan Ude SAM Garrison: A Site Overview
Week 4: update to the PLA's 2nd Artillery article

There'll probably be an additional random piece or two in there based on things I've been tinkering with as well, such as a new Reading List, but those are the three primary topics for this month.

I've also compiled a much larger list of nations to produce SAM Network pieces on, and have started a pretty good list of potential Week 3 topics for the coming months.

At the very lest, it looks like I've successfully managed to develop and stick with a schedule!


  1. We are waiting with keen interest.

    Keep up the great work!

  2. Eagerly awaiting indeed!

    Is there any chance of an Algerian SAM network analysis done sometime in the future? I am keenly interested in this subject.

  3. Algeria is on the list of "countries to do". I might provide a list of nations and run a poll on here to see which ones have the most interest to help set the order. Plus, some of the smaller nations will be combined. Algeria isn't too involved and I might combine it with all of the other African nations except for Egypt, which is huge, and Ethiopia/Eritrea, because I'll do them together.
