Saturday, December 4, 2010

December Schedule

Here's the current theoretical December schedule:

Week 1: SAM Site Overview update (late next week, after the next Google Earth imagery update)
Week 2: Saudi Arabia's SAM network
Week 3/4: update to China's 2nd Artillery; I'll be gone for part of the time for the holidays, so only one update over this week.

I'll also be gone the first week of January, so the January schedule will also be slightly altered, with the SAM Site Overview update being posted during the second week along with a yet-to-be-decided SAM Network analysis piece.


  1. 30°35'50.67"N, 32°29'53.40"E

    Not sure if you have this, the download link for the SAM Site Overview is broken but I think this is an old SA-2 site in the Sinai about 13 1/2 mi east of Ismailia.

  2. I'll fix the link. Use the one in the actual post, not the one on the sidebar.
