Saturday, January 22, 2011

IMINT & Analysis via PDF

IMINT & Analysis is moving to a monthly, PDF-based system. The new format will entail the monthly distribution of a PDF publication featuring numerous articles of interest. Topics covered will include:

-Latest analysis of military systems development and deployment
-Imagery-based analysis of:
--Worldwide SAM Network overviews
--Strategic Warfare Systems
--Military Facilities
--Various other topics warranting an imagery-based analysis
-Historical analysis of military systems deployment and/or development
-Updates to features previously posted online
-Links to pertinent or interesting source material online

The PDF format will enable the use of far more editing and formatting options than the limited system used online, and allow for the inclusion of more extensive analytical pieces with greater ease.

The current goal is for the premiere issue to be published in mid-February 2011, containing a representative sampling of topics leading to the first full issue's dissemination in the first week of March of 2011. Corresponding issues will be produced on a monthly basis, with mailings taking place during the first week of each month.

Individuals or organizations interested in subscribing to the IMINT & Analysis PDF format should do the following:

-Send an e-mail to imintandanalysis AT
-Enter Subscribe PDF in the subject line
-At this time, US .gov and .mil addresses will be denied subscription to the service. Queries can be directed to the e-mail address above, but do not enter "Subscribe PDF" in the subject line to ensure a timely reply.
-Non-US readers may subscribe, but bear in mind that the product will be produced in the English language.

Individuals wishing to serve as monthly, annual, or recurring contributors are asked to send an e-mail to the address provided above with "Contributor" in the subject line to open discussions regarding the type and frequency of content. Content is not required to be in the form of imagery-based analysis provided it serves the interest of the readers, relating to a relevant military analysis issue.

E-mail addresses will not be released to any outside party, and products will be mailed to subscribers using a blind copy to preserve privacy.

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