The Hungarian strategic SAM network provided an important piece of the Warsaw Pact's air defense picture during the Cold War. Modernization efforts in the early 1980s expanded the coverage of the network ensuring the defense of both the capital and the most significant industrial area in the nation. As a regionally structured air defense organization, the Hungarian strategic SAM network provides an interesting study of air defense deployment during the Cold War.
The Hungarian strategic SAM network operated four SAM systems at various points in its history, the SA-75 Dvina and S-75M Volkhov (SA-2 GUIDELINE), S-125 Neva (SA-3 GOA), and S-200VE Vega (SA-5 GAMMON). Tactical air defense was likely provided by 2K12 Kub (SA-6 GAINFUL) units, but garrison locations for these units have yet to be discerned. Strategic SAM assets were initially assigned to three different anti-aircraft regiments, or PLRPs. Engagement ranges of the strategic SAM systems are as follows:
SA-75 Dvina: 34 km
S-75M Volkhov: 43 km
S-125 Neva: 25 km
S-200VE Vega: 240 km
In the imagery contained within this article, SAM systems will be identified as follows: SA-75 and S-75 series sites are marked with triangles and red range rings, S-125 series sites are marked with stars and light blue range rings, and S-200 series sites are marked with hexagons and purple range rings.
The deployment of strategic SAM assets in Hungary began in 1959 with the introduction of the first SA-75 Dvina SAM batteries. Between 1959 and 1983, the Dvina system provided the bulk of Hungarian strategic air defense, with a maximum of 14 sites being operational through 1976. The Dvina batteries were subordinate to three PLRPs, the 11th, 104th, and 105th.
The Hungarian capital of Budapest was initially defended by SA-75 Dvina batteries of the 11th and 104th PLRPs. Each PLRP controlled five Dvina sites. The 11th PLRP's Dvina sites were organized along the western side of the capital, with the 104th PLRP's sites being located along the eastern side. Taken in total, the 11th and 104th PLRP's sites formed an ellipse, with Budapest being situated as the northern focus.
The following image depicts the Dvina site locations and engagement zones around Budapest. 11th PLRP sites are blue, 104th PLRP sites are orange.
The 105th PLRP controlled four SA-75 Dvina sites situated around Miskolc. Miskolc is Hungary's second largest city and has been the nation's center of industry since the end of the Second World War. It is therefore logical that a third PLRP would be tasked to provide strategic air defense of the area.
The following image depicts the Dvina site locations and engagement zones around Miskolc:
Between 1977 and 1986 the Hungarian strategic SAM network underwent a significant modernization. The SA-75 Dvina was replaced with the longer-range S-75M Volkhov from 1977 to 1983. 6 Dvina sites were retained and re-equipped with the new system, while 7 new sites were constructed to house the remainder of the Volkhov batteries. By 1983 the Dvina had been completely phased out in Hungarian service, and the Volkhov system would serve until 1995. 1978 saw the introduction of the S-125M Neva SAM system, which would take residence at seven locations, serving until 1995. In 1986 the S-200VE Vega long-range SAM system was introduced at a single location. The Vega would outlast its shorter-range counterparts, serving until 1997. All of these new systems were subordinate to the same regiments that had operated the Dvina system under the old air defense architecture, the 11th, 104th, and 105th PLRPs.
The 11th PLRP assumed responsibility for defense of the Hungarian capital under the reorganized air defense network. The 11th PLRP saw the number of batteries under its control swell under the reorganization, with seven Volkhov and six Neva sites being subordinate to the regiment. All batteries were operational until 1995 with the exception of a single Neva battery located near Piliscsaba, which left the inventory in 1994.
The following image depicts the sites and engagement zones of batteries subordinate to the 11th PLRP after the reorganization, circa 1981:
Following the reorganization, the area of responsibility for the 104th PLRP moved southwest of Budapest to the area surrounding the city of Dunaujvaros. By 1986 the 104th PLRP contained three Volkhov batteries and Hungary's sole Vega site. The 104th PLRP's Volkhov batteries were among the first to be deactivated, leaving the inventory in 1990, at which time a Neva battery was emplaced on the grounds of the Vega site to provide close-in air defense for the system.
The following image depicts the sites and engagement zones of batteries subordinate to the 104th PLRP after the reorganization, circa 1986. The engagement zone for the Vega is omitted in this graphic.
The 105th PLRP survived the reorganization largely unscathed. The area of responsibility remained the same, the territory surrounding Miskolc, and only the northeastern site did not receive the Volkhov as it had been deactivated in 1965. The remaining three locations were reequipped with the S-75M in 1983 and served until 1990.
The following image depicts the sites and engagement zones of batteries subordinate to the 105th PLRP after the reorganization, circa 1983:
Soviet forces stationed in Hungary during the Cold War included eight air defense units manning S-125M Neva batteries. These Neva batteries were located at airfields around the nation to provide air defense for deployed Soviet Air Force units. One advantage to having the Soviet Neva batteries in-country was that they were often situated in areas not covered by any other air defense assets.
The following image depicts the Soviet Neva sites in Hungary and their corresponding engagement zones:
Given the extreme fluidity of the Hungarian strategic SAM network, the overall coverage should be examined chronologically. The following images will depict the SAM network for a given point in time. Each image will be preceded by a brief line of text denoting the time period depicted and the number and type of systems operational for that time period. Soviet S-125M Neva batteries will not be included as there is no historical documentation of their deployment dates.
1959 to 1960: 1 Dvina

1961: 9 Dvina

1962 to 1965: 14 Dvina

1966 to 1976: 12 Dvina

1977: 9 Dvina, 3 Volkhov

1978: 3 Neva, 8 Dvina, 4 Volkhov

1979: 6 Neva, 7 Dvina, 5 Volkhov

1980: 6 Neva, 6 Dvina, 6 Volkhov

1981 to 1982: 6 Neva, 5 Dvina, 7 Volkhov

1983 to 1985: 6 Neva, 13 Volkhov

1986 to 1989: 1 Vega, 6 Neva, 13 Volkhov

1990: 1 Vega, 7 Neva, 12 Volkhov

1991 to 1994: 1 Vega, 7 Neva, 7 Volkhov

1995: 1 Vega, 6 Neva, 7 Volkhov

1996 to 1997: 1 Vega

The primary limitation of the Hungarian strategic SAM network during the Cold War was one of coverage. Portions of the central and northeastern parts of the nation were typically well covered by Dvina, Volkhov, and Neva batteries, but no attention was paid to the remainder of the nation. In particular, the western border with Austria was ignored. The southern border was less significant as Yugoslavian air defense units would have been initially responsible for targets ingressing from that direction during a conflict with NATO. Yugoslavia was not a Warsaw Pact member state but would likely have not been allied with NATO during a conflict, providing a degree of security. Hungary's position in Central Europe also likely aided its security as NATO's primary focus would have been Soviet Army units located in East Germany and support facilities located in Poland. Hungary was a significant location of Soviet tactical air power during the Cold War, but fortunately for the Hungarians the majority of the fighting would likely have been elsewhere.
It should be noted that unlike East Germany and Czechoslovakia, Hungary relied upon older strategic SAM systems. The S-300PMU, supplied to both of the aforementioned nations, was not delivered to Hungary. As a result, Hungarian strategic SAM units were limited by the characteristics of their weapon systems. Each strategic SAM battery of the Dvina, Volkhov, and Neva variety was only capable of engaging a single target at a time due to the command guidance methods employed. Only the single Vega battery enjoyed something of a multiple target capability, thanks to the presence of two firing positions, each controlled by a separate engagement radar. Even with this added capability introduced with the Vega in 1986, the Hungarian strategic SAM network was still vulnerable to saturation with very little effort. From 1986 to 1989 when the network was at its maximum strength with 20 operational SAM sites, the overall network still only provided the ability to engage 21 simultaneous targets.
Despite being located away from most of the significant military facilities and units with which the Warsaw Pact would have employed to wage war against NATO, the Hungarian strategic SAM network provided an important piece of Warsaw Pact air defense during the Cold War. While the network was initially relatively pedestrian, modernization efforts would transform the overall network into a much more robust and layered organization. Despite these efforts, however, the strategic SAM network was ultimately incapable of repelling am assed air attack by the air forces of NATO.
Feel free to discuss this feature at the IMINT & Analysis Forum discussion thread found here.
The range rings used to create this article can be downloaded as a Google Earth placemark file here.
-Satellite imagery provided courtesy of Google Earth
Hungarian SAM sites by Google Earth user LeX2
Hungarian air defense units
Hungarian air defense units
Jane's Land-based Air Defence, various editions
The Hungarian strategic SAM network provided an important piece of the Warsaw Pact's air defense picture during the Cold War. Modernization efforts in the early 1980s expanded the coverage of the network ensuring the defense of both the capital and the most significant industrial area in the nation. As a regionally structured air defense organization, the Hungarian strategic SAM network provides an interesting study of air defense deployment during the Cold War.
The Hungarian strategic SAM network operated four SAM systems at various points in its history, the SA-75 Dvina and S-75M Volkhov (SA-2 GUIDELINE), S-125 Neva (SA-3 GOA), and S-200VE Vega (SA-5 GAMMON). Tactical air defense was likely provided by 2K12 Kub (SA-6 GAINFUL) units, but garrison locations for these units have yet to be discerned. Strategic SAM assets were initially assigned to three different anti-aircraft regiments, or PLRPs. Engagement ranges of the strategic SAM systems are as follows:
SA-75 Dvina: 34 km
S-75M Volkhov: 43 km
S-125 Neva: 25 km
S-200VE Vega: 240 km
In the imagery contained within this article, SAM systems will be identified as follows: SA-75 and S-75 series sites are marked with triangles and red range rings, S-125 series sites are marked with stars and light blue range rings, and S-200 series sites are marked with hexagons and purple range rings.
The deployment of strategic SAM assets in Hungary began in 1959 with the introduction of the first SA-75 Dvina SAM batteries. Between 1959 and 1983, the Dvina system provided the bulk of Hungarian strategic air defense, with a maximum of 14 sites being operational through 1976. The Dvina batteries were subordinate to three PLRPs, the 11th, 104th, and 105th.
The Hungarian capital of Budapest was initially defended by SA-75 Dvina batteries of the 11th and 104th PLRPs. Each PLRP controlled five Dvina sites. The 11th PLRP's Dvina sites were organized along the western side of the capital, with the 104th PLRP's sites being located along the eastern side. Taken in total, the 11th and 104th PLRP's sites formed an ellipse, with Budapest being situated as the northern focus.
The following image depicts the Dvina site locations and engagement zones around Budapest. 11th PLRP sites are blue, 104th PLRP sites are orange.

The 105th PLRP controlled four SA-75 Dvina sites situated around Miskolc. Miskolc is Hungary's second largest city and has been the nation's center of industry since the end of the Second World War. It is therefore logical that a third PLRP would be tasked to provide strategic air defense of the area.
The following image depicts the Dvina site locations and engagement zones around Miskolc:

Between 1977 and 1986 the Hungarian strategic SAM network underwent a significant modernization. The SA-75 Dvina was replaced with the longer-range S-75M Volkhov from 1977 to 1983. 6 Dvina sites were retained and re-equipped with the new system, while 7 new sites were constructed to house the remainder of the Volkhov batteries. By 1983 the Dvina had been completely phased out in Hungarian service, and the Volkhov system would serve until 1995. 1978 saw the introduction of the S-125M Neva SAM system, which would take residence at seven locations, serving until 1995. In 1986 the S-200VE Vega long-range SAM system was introduced at a single location. The Vega would outlast its shorter-range counterparts, serving until 1997. All of these new systems were subordinate to the same regiments that had operated the Dvina system under the old air defense architecture, the 11th, 104th, and 105th PLRPs.
The 11th PLRP assumed responsibility for defense of the Hungarian capital under the reorganized air defense network. The 11th PLRP saw the number of batteries under its control swell under the reorganization, with seven Volkhov and six Neva sites being subordinate to the regiment. All batteries were operational until 1995 with the exception of a single Neva battery located near Piliscsaba, which left the inventory in 1994.
The following image depicts the sites and engagement zones of batteries subordinate to the 11th PLRP after the reorganization, circa 1981:

Following the reorganization, the area of responsibility for the 104th PLRP moved southwest of Budapest to the area surrounding the city of Dunaujvaros. By 1986 the 104th PLRP contained three Volkhov batteries and Hungary's sole Vega site. The 104th PLRP's Volkhov batteries were among the first to be deactivated, leaving the inventory in 1990, at which time a Neva battery was emplaced on the grounds of the Vega site to provide close-in air defense for the system.
The following image depicts the sites and engagement zones of batteries subordinate to the 104th PLRP after the reorganization, circa 1986. The engagement zone for the Vega is omitted in this graphic.

The 105th PLRP survived the reorganization largely unscathed. The area of responsibility remained the same, the territory surrounding Miskolc, and only the northeastern site did not receive the Volkhov as it had been deactivated in 1965. The remaining three locations were reequipped with the S-75M in 1983 and served until 1990.
The following image depicts the sites and engagement zones of batteries subordinate to the 105th PLRP after the reorganization, circa 1983:

Soviet forces stationed in Hungary during the Cold War included eight air defense units manning S-125M Neva batteries. These Neva batteries were located at airfields around the nation to provide air defense for deployed Soviet Air Force units. One advantage to having the Soviet Neva batteries in-country was that they were often situated in areas not covered by any other air defense assets.
The following image depicts the Soviet Neva sites in Hungary and their corresponding engagement zones:

Given the extreme fluidity of the Hungarian strategic SAM network, the overall coverage should be examined chronologically. The following images will depict the SAM network for a given point in time. Each image will be preceded by a brief line of text denoting the time period depicted and the number and type of systems operational for that time period. Soviet S-125M Neva batteries will not be included as there is no historical documentation of their deployment dates.
1959 to 1960: 1 Dvina

1961: 9 Dvina

1962 to 1965: 14 Dvina

1966 to 1976: 12 Dvina

1977: 9 Dvina, 3 Volkhov

1978: 3 Neva, 8 Dvina, 4 Volkhov

1979: 6 Neva, 7 Dvina, 5 Volkhov

1980: 6 Neva, 6 Dvina, 6 Volkhov

1981 to 1982: 6 Neva, 5 Dvina, 7 Volkhov

1983 to 1985: 6 Neva, 13 Volkhov

1986 to 1989: 1 Vega, 6 Neva, 13 Volkhov

1990: 1 Vega, 7 Neva, 12 Volkhov

1991 to 1994: 1 Vega, 7 Neva, 7 Volkhov

1995: 1 Vega, 6 Neva, 7 Volkhov

1996 to 1997: 1 Vega

The primary limitation of the Hungarian strategic SAM network during the Cold War was one of coverage. Portions of the central and northeastern parts of the nation were typically well covered by Dvina, Volkhov, and Neva batteries, but no attention was paid to the remainder of the nation. In particular, the western border with Austria was ignored. The southern border was less significant as Yugoslavian air defense units would have been initially responsible for targets ingressing from that direction during a conflict with NATO. Yugoslavia was not a Warsaw Pact member state but would likely have not been allied with NATO during a conflict, providing a degree of security. Hungary's position in Central Europe also likely aided its security as NATO's primary focus would have been Soviet Army units located in East Germany and support facilities located in Poland. Hungary was a significant location of Soviet tactical air power during the Cold War, but fortunately for the Hungarians the majority of the fighting would likely have been elsewhere.
It should be noted that unlike East Germany and Czechoslovakia, Hungary relied upon older strategic SAM systems. The S-300PMU, supplied to both of the aforementioned nations, was not delivered to Hungary. As a result, Hungarian strategic SAM units were limited by the characteristics of their weapon systems. Each strategic SAM battery of the Dvina, Volkhov, and Neva variety was only capable of engaging a single target at a time due to the command guidance methods employed. Only the single Vega battery enjoyed something of a multiple target capability, thanks to the presence of two firing positions, each controlled by a separate engagement radar. Even with this added capability introduced with the Vega in 1986, the Hungarian strategic SAM network was still vulnerable to saturation with very little effort. From 1986 to 1989 when the network was at its maximum strength with 20 operational SAM sites, the overall network still only provided the ability to engage 21 simultaneous targets.
Despite being located away from most of the significant military facilities and units with which the Warsaw Pact would have employed to wage war against NATO, the Hungarian strategic SAM network provided an important piece of Warsaw Pact air defense during the Cold War. While the network was initially relatively pedestrian, modernization efforts would transform the overall network into a much more robust and layered organization. Despite these efforts, however, the strategic SAM network was ultimately incapable of repelling am assed air attack by the air forces of NATO.
Feel free to discuss this feature at the IMINT & Analysis Forum discussion thread found here.
The range rings used to create this article can be downloaded as a Google Earth placemark file here.
-Satellite imagery provided courtesy of Google Earth
Hungarian SAM sites by Google Earth user LeX2
Hungarian air defense units
Hungarian air defense units
Jane's Land-based Air Defence, various editions